
Free for the people! However, WE DEMAND THAT any institution that would like to use our materials and CAN pay us, MUST pay us. Inquire via the contact form if you have any further questions.

Download our zine archive for free.

Our PDF zine archive is free to download and includes our 2013 archive episode (a combination of our first two zines), plus our FUTURE NOW NEVER PRESENT episode, our brochure, a worksheet, and our WEAPONS OF PERCEPTION propaganda poster in multiple sizes.

Some items you will find include:
+ The Is Sci-fi Political/debut Zine
+ The Weapons Of Perception (Media Literacy Jawn From Our Brochure)
+ The Gentrification/space/community Zine
+ Our 2013 Media Dump/selections/reading List
+ Bonus Story From Alex Smith
+ It Is Okay By Laura Pollard
+ Commentary From Azeem Hill, Fred Pinguel, N Carolyn Lazard
+ Battlefield Replica Symmetry Retrospecta By Moor Mother
+ The 40th St. Con By Skribbly Lacroix
+ Constantemiedoconstante By Natis
+ Districts By Aja Beech
+ Flyboys By Billie Blazer
+ G.P.S. By Althea Baird
+ Life Online Worksheet By Monk & Ras
+ Portrait Of The Activist As A Young Super-hero By Alex Smith
+ Black Quantum Futurism By Rasheedah Phillips
+ A Young Thug Confronts His Own Future By Ras Mashramani

